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SWANET, is a holistic solution to solid waste management in which waste stream contents are traded daily on its payment service bank (PSB) platform. Thereby providing financial inclusion for the underserved youths by creating a trading platform for waste. The platform thus replaces the use of open dumpsites which causes environmental pollution within the communities, as waste is collected, aggregated, processed, and transported to our business infrastructure. The waste stream contents are recycled at SWANET’s facilities and delivered to end-buyers in Europe, Middle East and North America to meet climate change mitigation and adaptation.

See Project Overview

Our platform integrates various levels of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to avail myriad of functionalities, processes and services to all stakeholders

Real time demand forecasting to allow the drivers plan their routes and optimize their time and also integration of all modes of transportation for optimum route planning

A consolidated and integrated way for the regulator to enforce laws and regulations in real time such as the ability to disallow certain drivers from working in certain geographies and/or times.

Real time monitoring and reporting by regulator of the transportation of waste with the use of cameras, sentiment analysis, face detection and other variety of metrics for decision-making.

The Waste Collection Core

Designed to be used either by Municipalities or Waste Collection Service companies, SWANET provides the following:
  • Operations Planning and Management
  • Interaction with Vehicles, Collection Points, other Equipment & Final Waste Destinations
  • Interface with Producers, Citizens & Regulators
  • Data-Collection, Monitoring & Analytics
  • Patterns Identification & Predictions
  • Human Resources Management
  • Assets Management
  • Tracking, Location, Geo-Fencing
  • Intelligent “Routes Planning”
  • Reporting & KPI’s Monitorin
The SWANET Software is designed to interact with all the operational elements part of the waste collection process. From human resources scheduling (drivers and auxiliary personnel), collection assets and elements (such as collection and cleaning vehicles, containers and bins for different waste types, plastic bags, etc.), up to the waste deposits, final waste destinations and citizens.
Operators can plan the collection circuits based on real-time and historical data pattern behaviour learning. For each collection circuit plan, Operator can work with several variables such as:
  • Date/Hour for the collection
  • Area
  • Types of waste to consider
  • Containers to be considered by their filling level %
  • Vehicles to use
  • Operation Center those vehicles belong to
  • Preferred flow
  • Waste possible compression rates
SWANET will generate the collecting circuit, indicating the Optimal routes, optimal Number of vehicles needed, number of laps and other relevant variables.
Real time information about the current fill level of select containers in a certain zone.

SWANET can plan future collections shifts based on the learnings of historical data.

Example: Plan a shift to collect all the containers that will be above 30% load in the next 12 hours.

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